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Free resources from trusted sources

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Members have asked us to pool free resources from trusted sources so they can quickly find what they need.  We have done this below, including links to posters, videos and training material from trusted resources based on where you are based.

You can use the information below as training resources for your teams or in your practice to inform patients and customers: 


The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has produced Covid-19 Mental health and wellbeing for healthcare professionals. It covers top tips on self-care and other support.


You can also use the handwashing and use of PPE videos below for staff training

Northern Ireland

HSC Public Health Agency provides the following resources:


NHS inform aids communication by publishing clinically approved guidance. This includes posters, videos and other useful material. It also offers some of these resources in different languages.

You can also get high-quality NHS Scotland posters to aid:

NHS 24 also provides the below videos:



Public Health Wales has produced a range of resources, including stay at home posters in different colours. The posters are available in Welsh, English and other languages.


The World Health Organization (WHO) offers free online courses covering Covid-19 and other information. This includes

If you would like FODO to include any additional resources, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

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