Official advice is updated regularly and notified through member alerts. The links below will enable you to keep up to date between member alerts and updates.
- Clinical
- Government - including financial support
- Public Health
- NHS/Health Service
- Clinical vulnerable lists
College of Optometrists - Covid-19 updates
Royal College of Ophthalmologists - Covid-19 guidance
NHS Scotland - Community eye care during Covid-19
BMJ - Covid-19 updates
Oxford Covid-19 evidence service - rapid evidence reviews and data analysis
General Optical Council - Covid-19 latest
Government - including financial support
England - Covid-19 main page and financial support
Northern Ireland - Covid-19 main page and financial support
Scotland - Covid-19 main page and financial support
Wales - Covid-19 main page and financial support
England - PHE Covid-19
Northern Ireland - HSC PHA
Scotland - HPS Covid-19
Wales - PHW Covid-19
NHS England - Covid-19
- Primary care
- Primary care (GOS)
- Standard Contract - locally commissioned eye care
- NHS Covid-19 public advice
Northern Ireland - Covid-19
- HSC - optometrists (opticians)
- HSC BSO - primary eye care updates
Scotland - Covid-19
Wales - Covid-19
- Ophthalmic services
- Optometry recovery guidance (amber phase): Covid-19
- Optometry Wales - Covid-19 correspondence
There are two different high-risk groups for Covid-19: those at an increased risk of severe illness and those at the greatest risk of severe illness. You should be familiar with these lists both for patient and employee management purposes. The lists are currently identical across the UK, but we have included links to each country's website for ease of reference.
England - clinically vulnerable and clinically extremely vulnerable
Northern Ireland - vulnerable and clinically extremely vulnerable
Scotland - higher risk of severe illness and extremely high risk of severe illness
Wales - people at increased risk and people extremely vulnerable