24 April 2020
OFNC Statement on GOS Support Payments
We are aware that contractors across England are receiving various communications from NHS England area teams about the GOS support grants for practices that are open to provide essential care to patients, and that some contractors have already received payments in respect of their actual GOS claims for March. We have confirmed with NHS England today that the first support payments - which will top up GOS claims submitted for March to the value of average monthly GOS claims - are being paid in line with normal payment schedules, and that the calculations of average claims have been provided to PCSE this week. Contractors should therefore receive the March top-up payment in May, along with their April payment which will be the value of their average monthly GOS claims.
The OFNC reminds contractors in England that are open to provide essential care to ensure that their websites and any other information for patients, including phone messages, accurately reflect their open status (as set out in the OFNC FAQs updated on 18 April) to avoid any risk of confusion for patients or NHS England area teams.