Principles and priorities

Maximising patient, population and health system benefits

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The future of primary eye care – principles and priorities

Recognising that primary eye care in the UK is one of the world's most advanced eye care services, principles and priorities for primary eye care calls for more to be done to ensure patients can access the right care in the right place at the right time to tackle avoidable sight loss.

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William Stockdale, Contact Lens Optician, FODO member and Optometry Northern Ireland past chair
Tanjit Dosanjh, Optometrist, Prison Optician Trust & Company
Steve Clark, Domiciliary Optometrist, FODO member and Domiciliary Eye Care Committee
Sarah Joyce BEM, FODO Chair, LOCSU Director and Superintendent Optometrist
Elaine Styles, Optometrist and Trustee, Vision Care for Homeless People
Andy Britton, Optometrist in Haverfordwest, Wales and FODO's Optometry Wales Council Member
Kathryn Trimmer, FODO Scotland Chair, Optometry Scotland executive member, Optometrist in NHS Grampian, Scotland.

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