Practice owner's hub

The support you need to grow your practice

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Running a practice can involve significant administrative costs and complexity. In this practice owner's hub, you will find a wide range of advice and resources, all carefully chosen to reduce your costs and help you spend more time growing your practice.  

We will add new resources over time to help you succeed. If you would like us to explore adding a specific resource get in touch:

Advice to non-members

Historically, non-members have approached us because they could not access the support they needed for employment and other issues. In recent years we have stepped in to support individuals and practice owners, but unfortunately from 1 January 2020 we will only be able to offer support to members.

If you cannot afford our membership or are a charity provider, please get in touch at as we can review your application on a case-by-case basis. Alternatively, you might find the following free resources helpful:

We also publish a wide range of free guidance online and through the Optical Confederation (OC), because this benefits the eye health profession and wider sector by reducing risk and cost for all. For example, by having common safeguarding guidance, people who move jobs will be familiar with OC safeguarding guidance.

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