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24 January 2018

FODO signs Optical Confederation letter calling on NHS England to take urgent action to address Capita failures

FODO has today signed an Optical Confederation letter (Monday 22 January 2018) written to Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England, calling for urgent action to address the ongoing failure of Capita to fulfil their contractual obligations.

The letter highlights the “utter frustration, dissatisfaction and anger” at the continuing failure of the Primary Care Support England (PCSE) service delivered by Capita for NHS England. Echoing a similar letter from the British Medical Association (BMA), the Optical Confederation Chief Executives describe the situation as “completely unacceptable”, pointing out that Capita has failed to deliver on promises to rectify the situation dating back as far as April 2016.

The optical sector has “no confidence” in Capita, which has failed to manage the ophthalmic payments service to an acceptable standard, to execute the processing and payment of CET schemes within expected timescales for the second year running, and to manage and process Performers List and GOS contract applications.

In light of these failures, the Optical Confederation has formally requested that unless a “cast iron guarantee” be provided by the end of the financial year (April 2018) that the backlog of payment issues will be resolved by the end of June and that the service will be operating at the required standard by that point, then the contract should be taken away from Capita. The Optical Confederation recognise that this would involve significant upheaval, but nevertheless believe that it would be in their members’ best interests.

The letter is signed by the Chief Executives of Optical Confederation member bodies, the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO), the Association of Optometrists (AOP), the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) and the Clinical Director of the LOC Support Unit (LOCSU).

You can read the full letter here.

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