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03 May 2018

Annual Strategy Meeting 2018 – FODO commits to expanding primary eye care, integrating ophthalmic services and pushing for lower VAT on optical goods

FODO looks ahead with confidence and energy, committing to more primary eye care, integrating ophthalmic services across boundaries to meet public needs and push for lower VAT on optical goods to help patients.

At its annual strategy meeting, 23-24 April 2018, the FODO Group Board and industry leaders met to review eye health needs and to plan how FODO will support its members expand primary and community services to meet growing demand for high-quality eye health services both within and outside hospitals.

The event was launched with a review of the growing application of artificial intelligence in eye care, led by Professor James Wolffsohn of Aston University, followed by forensic analysis of the operating environments and trends for eye health both within and outside the NHS, in the Irish health service and across sensory impairment.

To view a full summary of the discussion points, click here

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