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21 June 2019

GOC reviews risks

As part of its ongoing review of CET, the GOC has commissioned survey company Enventure to survey members of the profession to identify current risks to patients and the public from the work of optical professionals in daily clinical practice.  FODO has taken part in the survey.  The outcomes of the review will be presented to the GOC Council in November 2019.

David Hewlett said: “The profession has an outstanding record here.  Over the past ten years, risk in the population has increased significantly through ageing with many more patients now presenting early signs of pathology; we have increased our scope of practice in primary and secondary eye care, and as a sector we are seeing more patients overall.

We have managed and mitigated these risks through up-skilling, clinical governance, multidisciplinary working, peer review, CET, CPD and other training.

As a result, clinical complaints and GOC cases have remained stable for FODO members despite a vastly wider workload and optometry and optics remain one of the safest areas of healthcare delivery for both individuals and the public”.

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