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27 September 2019

FODO issues guide to help optical businesses meet new GOC standards

A new guide produced by FODO highlights key standards in new General Optical Council (GOC) Standards for Optical Businesses that its members need to pay most attention to.

FODO, which represents eye care providers and professionals in the UK and Ireland, supports the new standards and provides advice on meeting them in its guidance.

The standards come into effect on 1 October 2019 and replace GOC’s existing Code of Conduct for business registrants.

Harjit Sandhu, Managing Director, said: “As the GOC recognises, the new standards largely represent existing good practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians and optical students. But they have been updated and show just how far the eye health sector has moved forward since the original Code was published. The FODO guidance will help eye care providers implement the new standards effectively.”



The GOC’s Standards for Optical Businesses can be viewed here: here

FODO’s guide to GOC Standards for Optical Businesses can be viewed here: FODO guidance GOC Standards for Optical Business


About FODO

The Federation of (Ophthalmic and Dispensing) Opticians (FODO) is the professional and defence body for eye care providers and professionals across the UK and Republic of Ireland. Our roots are deep in accessible services and eye care for all. We work with stakeholders across the UK, Ireland and Europe that share the goal of high quality and accessible eye care for all.


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