20 August 2021
FODO member update – 20 August
This week:
- Covid-19 updates
- FODO guidance for locums on making CET claims
- Eye Care Hub launches on NHS Futures
- Atlas of Variation claims
- Latest PCSE bulletin for England
- GOC searches for new chief executive
- Optometrists see rise in children's myopia
- Other sector news
Covid-19 updates
Self-isolation for health care workers
Following the advice in our newsletter on Friday 13 August, NHS England has clarified that the relaxation of self-isolation requirements for asymptomatic double vaccinated staff (who meet the conditions below) does NOT apply to individuals living in the same household with a positive contact. They will continue to need to isolate in line with government guidance. The same applies in Northern Ireland.
We are still awaiting confirmation from Scotland and Wales (expected early next week) but would advise erring on the side of caution. The College of Optometrists will be issuing an updated FAQ about this next week once the guidance in all four nations is known.
In the meantime, we have updated our FODO guidance for the four UK nations:
England: Those who are fully vaccinated (with a minimum of 14 days after the second dose) will be exempt from self-isolation if they are advised that they have been in close contact with a positive Covid-19 case.
Scotland: People who are fully vaccinated (with a minimum of 14 days after the second dose) and those under 18 years old are exempt from self-isolation if they are advised that they have been in close contact with a positive Covid-19 case. They must also have had a negative PCR test result.
Wales: Fully vaccinated adults (with a minimum of 14 days after the second dose) and those under 18 years old are exempt from self-isolation if they are advised that they have been in close contact with a positive Covid-19 case.
Northern Ireland: Those who are fully vaccinated (with a minimum of 14 days after the second dose) will be exempt from self-isolation if they are advised that they have been in close contact with a positive Covid-19 case. They are still advised to take an additional PCR Covid test on days two and eight of the process. If the result is positive, they will need to self-isolate.
Provided they are not living in the same household with a positive contact, individuals meeting the above criteria can end isolation and return to work as long as they follow infection prevention and control procedures in line with the College of Optometrists' Amber Phase guidance. If people live in the same household with a positive contact, they should continue to isolate themselves according to government guidance.
We continue to advise members to check your national government website regularly for the latest local information.
Mandatory Covid Vaccination of Care Home Staff in England
NHS England has issued advice and FAQs explaining that all staff entering a care home in England, including visiting professionals such as optometrists and dispensing opticians, must be double vaccinated from 11 November 2021, unless they are exempt under the regulations.
Covid-19 domiciliary guidance - updated
The Domiciliary Eyecare Committee (DEC) has updated its Covid-19 guidance in parallel. Providers are reminded that professional staff will need to have their first jab by 16 September 2021 to meet this deadline if they are not vaccinated already.
Key eye care messages for care home providers
The DEC has also issued key messages about eye care for care home managers, developed with NHS England and care sector organisations. For example, care home managers do not need to ask domiciliary eyecare providers who can demonstrate a negative Covid test result within the previous 72 hours to take an additional test before entering the care home. The CQC fortnightly bulletin will cascade these messages to care homes.
Read the
Scotland: Lateral flow tests move to Orient Gene
NHS National Services Scotland began distributing Orient Gene lateral flow tests on 16 August 2021. According to an update from the Scottish Government, the Orient Gene lateral flow device, which is a nasal-only self-test, will replace Innova 25 kits as stocks run out. Health Boards will use up the residual stock of Innova 25 before supplying Orient Gene to healthcare workers.
Scottish Government consults on retaining Covid powers
The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on further legislative reform to support Scotland's recovery from the pandemic.
The consultation includes proposals on:
- Maintaining provisions in the UK Coronavirus Act that enable Scottish Ministers to enact measures via public health regulations for any future threats, including the ability to shut schools and impose lockdowns
- A change in the law that will allow a broader range of health professionals to give vaccinations and immunisations
- Maintaining pre-eviction protocols relating to rent arrears in the private sector.
The consultation closes on 9 November 2021. FODO Scotland will be responding as part of Optometry Scotland.
Welsh Government provides £411m for hospitals to tackle Covid
The Welsh Government has allocated £411 million to help hospitals deal with Covid-19 until April 2022, plus a further £140 million for recovery and to tackle waiting times.
- £411 million will aid the vaccination programme, testing, PPE, and new cleaning standards for infection control
- £100 million will support health boards' recovery plans
- £40 million is for equipment and adapting hospitals and other buildings to increase capacity for routine procedures.
The funding comes on top of the £100 million announced in May to support recovery plans.
Health Minister Eluned Morgan said the funds would help tackle waiting lists, which have increased by more than 33% and are at record levels.
FODO guidance for locums on making CET claims
FODO has issued updated advice for locums on making CET claims here. This year's CET claims window ends on 31 October 2021.
Eye Care Hub launches on NHS Futures
The National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme (NECRTP) in England has launched a new website called the Eye Care Hub, on NHS Futures. The hub contains information and materials to support systems, providers and professionals in implementing NHS England recovery guidance on improving eye care services, including simple to use guidance, step by step advice, case studies and materials such as model protocols, patient leaflets and details of competencies to help everyone in eye care improve services. It also supports local discussion forums to join up with those delivering or overseeing eyecare across England for mutual support and learning. The NECRTP is inviting everyone involved in eye care to join the hub.
The NECRTP also welcomes feedback and further information and resources for the hub at [email protected].
Atlas of Variation
Public Health England (PHE) has published an Atlas of Variation in risk factors and healthcare for vision in England - the first health intelligence output from PHE solely focused on eye health.
Using the Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning's (CCEHC) portfolio of indicators as a guide, the Atlas brings together 32 indicators across the vision pathway, drawn from the best available population-level data sources as a starting point for local discussion and action.
Welcoming the Atlas, FODO's David Hewlett said: "The Atlas will be a key planning tool for NHS England's National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme and the new Integrated Care Boards and Integrated Care Partnerships. It highlights the wide variations in access, the underlying growth rates in need that have to be addressed, and the impact of Covid-19 on services. The scale of the challenge must make eye care a top priority for the new NHS structures and the NHS England-Improvement Board."
Latest PCSE bulletin for England
PCSE Online will be unavailable from 19.00 on Saturday 11 September and 10.00 on Sunday 12 September to allow for PCSE's planned data centre migration. Please refer to the PCSE's Business Continuity Guidance for system downtime here.
View the full August ophthalmic bulletin.
GOC searches for new chief executive
The General Optical Council has started recruiting for a new CEO and registrar to succeed Lesley Longstone, who will be retiring towards the end of the year.
Candidates have until 12 September 2021 to apply. Email Moloney Search for a candidate pack.
Optometrists see rise in children's myopia
The College of Optometrists is urging parents to limit screen time for their children and encourage them to play outside to prevent myopia from developing. Optometrists across the UK are reporting higher numbers of children with myopia since the pandemic began, with more time spent on screens, reports the BBC.
Other sector news
NHS - the future must be primary care
As the Health & Care Bill makes its way through Parliament, FODO Honorary Member and PCC Chair, Professor David Colin-Thomé, blogs that The future must be primary care.
Northern Ireland: NHS Future Planning Model to replace existing commissioning arrangement
The Department of Health Northern Ireland is consulting on a new planning model to replace the Health and Social Care Board and current commissioning structures. The proposals are to maintain existing contracts and funding flows for the time being. The consultation runs until 17 September 2021. FODO will provide input via ONI's response.
Webinar on Kickstart
The government has issued an open invitation to businesses to a webinar about the Kickstart scheme, which funds employers to give work experience to 16-24-year-olds who may or may not have considered a career in eye care.
Kickstart gives young people the opportunity to experience what it is like to work in sectors for six months. It pays £1,500 to an employer for each placed individual to cover set-up costs and employee support. It also pays associated employer NI contributions and covers minimum automatic enrolment pension contributions.
Places at the webinar can be booked through Eventbrite
100% Optical launches new website
100% Optical has launched a new website including information about the next Optical show from 22-24 January 2022 at ExCeL in London. It will have been two years since the last show and will include exhibitors across eyewear, equipment, lenses and business services. Learn more.
Optician Awards
Nominations are now open for this year's Optician Awards. The winners will receive their awards at a black-tie gala event in London's Park Lane on 2 December 2021.
BCLA conference - date correction
The British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) conference will take place on 7 November, not 7 September, as previously advertised. BCLA Vision will include how to integrate tele-optometry into an optical business.

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