17 December 2021
FODO member update - 17 December
This week:
- Covid update
- Free flu vaccine clarification
- GOS to remain a national service in England
- Minister signals intent to increase GOS fee by 3% in Scotland
- Apprenticeship update
- College of Optometrists issues winter campaign
- Free wellbeing coaching support for primary eye care
- Ophthalmology education and practice in the UK
- HMRC reminds people to declare Covid-19 grants on self-assessment
- Eye complications and long Covid
- Volunteers needed for eye care clinics in London over Christmas
- NHS England to use tariffs to drive elective activity
- FODO opening hours and newsletter
- Other sector news
Covid update
As all members will know, the UK is now at Covid Alert Level 4 because of the Covid omicron variant. At this stage of the pandemic, we advise members to:
- Continue to follow the College's amber phase guidance and keep up to date with its FAQs
- Repeat IPC training for all team members
- Consider refresher training and tips on mitigating the risk of infection when not at work
- Ensure team members have access to lateral flow tests (LFTs). There were some supply issues earlier this week after a surge in demand, but online orders are now working again. You can also pick up test kit packs from local collection points/ pharmacies.
It is also important to remain up to date with self-isolation guidance for healthcare staff.
- NHS England has sent this letter which sets out detailed guidance
- In Northern Ireland the guidance is being reviewed but will be accessible here shortly
- NHS Inform sets out the rules in Scotland
- The Welsh Government advice can be found here.
Most primary eye care staff will by now be fully vaccinated (including with a booster vaccine) which is welcome news. This, along with robust IPC measures including social distancing, PPE and hand and cough/sneeze hygiene, should help protect team members and patients throughout the winter.
However, if infection rates continue to increase, staff shortages will be hard to avoid, so members should put contingency measures in place wherever possible.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or need support.
Free flu vaccine clarification
The NHS flu vaccination is free in each UK nation for primary care sector staff this year, including optometrists, dispensing opticians, and support staff. FODO encourages members working in primary care settings to have all recommended vaccinations, unless medically exempt, in line with College of Optometrists and ABDO guidance.
GOS to remain a national service in England
FODO and its optical sector partners have published a statement confirming General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) in England will remain a national demand-led service under a nationally agreed GOS contract and nationally negotiated fees and grants, with no local variation. Read the full statement.
Minister signals intent to increase GOS fee by 3% in Scotland
In response to a question in the Scottish parliament, the minister for public health confirmed the Scottish Government will make an offer to Optometry Scotland (OS) of a 3% uplift to GOS fees for the year 2021/22, backdated to 1 April 2021. The minister also committed to continuing discussions with OS about a process for future reviews of GOS fees. A formal written offer is expected shortly.
Apprenticeship update
This week, the Institute for Apprenticeship Training and Education and the Trailblazer group paused work on developing an optometry apprenticeship. The Institute acknowledged there had been a lack of consultation with the wider Trailblazer group and more time was needed to review feedback to date. The College of Optometrists, which attended the meeting, has also issued a statement.
College of Optometrists issues winter campaign
The College has launched a winter campaign urging the public to protect their vision and eye health. Its clinical adviser, Daniel Hardiman-McCartney, advised the public to act on any eye or vision problems. He explained that their local optometrist was "open for routine appointments and sight tests" and they should not "put off" a visit to the optician. Download the College's winter eye health poster.
Free wellbeing coaching support for primary eye care
NHS England is offering free wellbeing coaching to the primary care workforce, including team members of contractors who provide GOS. The free coaching opportunities cover three areas:
- Looking after you too - coaching about you and your wellbeing. Learn more
- Looking after your team - coaching about you and your team. Learn more
- Looking after your career - coaching about you and your career. Learn more
You can book sessions by following the links above. Each is delivered virtually, preferably on a video platform, but telephone appointments are also available. Experienced coaches run the sessions, which are free and confidential.
Ophthalmology education and practice in the UK
The General Medical Council (GMC) has published its report on The state of medical education and practice in the UK, including ophthalmology. The research found that ophthalmologists are happy with their training experience overall but raised concerns about the risk of burnout, which rose from 5% in 2019 to 13% in 2021.
HMRC reminds people to declare Covid-19 grants on self-assessment
HMRC is reminding self-assessment customers who received Covid grant payments during the 2020/21 tax year to declare this in their tax return before the deadline - 31 January 2022. Read more.
Eye complications and long Covid
NHS England's Southwest Clinical Network is holding a webinar that will discuss potential eye complications in patients with long Covid. Paritosh Shah, consultant ophthalmologist at Yeovil Hospital will lead the webinar on 19 January from 1pm to 1.30pm. To attend, complete this form.
Volunteers needed for eye care clinics in London over Christmas
The Crisis at Christmas Eyecare team, working with Vision Care for Homeless People, is seeking qualified optometrist volunteers to offer homeless people in London access to eyecare on 26, 28 and 29 December. These roles will be based across Crisis's three hotels and four day centres. If you can help, email Crisis or call James Murfitt on 07872 677773. All volunteers must provide their GOC number.
NHS England to use tariffs to drive elective activity
The HSJ reports that NHSE has said it will depend on a fee-for-service tariff (payment-by-result) model to drive elective work activity from April next year.
Julian Kelly, NHS England's chief financial officer, told the Healthcare Finance Management Association annual conference that from April the NHS would "be insisting as the default that there is a strong element of payment-by-result for elective work". Kelly added the NHS would also need to increase capital investment to increase capacity.
Damian Testa, head of policy at FODO said: "Using payment-by-results for elective work is a sound approach, as fee-for-service tariffs help maximise use of capacity and reduce waiting lists - a key NHS goal. By partnering with primary eye care providers and using their advanced diagnostic capabilities, the NHS can also save significant capital costs."
FODO opening hours and newsletter
FODO will remain open over the holiday period should members need to get in touch.
This will be the final newsletter of 2021. It will return on 7 January. We will, however, send members any urgent news during this period.
Other sector news
Royal College of Ophthalmologists President, Bernie Chang, has said the eye care workforce is ready to help the NHS meet challenges due to winter pressures. Read the president's end of year message.
A quick round-up on research news this week:
- The World Council of Optometry (WCO) has published a Myopia Standard of Care Resolution and is inviting stakeholders to sign up to these standards. Learn more
- Ophthalmologists continue to research early treatments for AMD by using retinal and genetic data stored in the UK Biobank. Read more
- NIH-funded analysis finds no link between cataract surgery and the development of advanced age-related macular degeneration
- New RCOPHTH podcast available on how assistive technology can help patients with visual impairment. Listen
The BCLA's annual conference, 'BCLA Focus', will be held on Saturday 11 June and Sunday 12 June, both online and in-person at The Vox Conference Centre in Birmingham, UK. Learn more.
RCOphth has updated its crest to a more contemporary and defined design.
MP Mims Davies has awarded ABDO the Creating opportunity #YouthFriendlyEmployer Award for its Careers in Eyecare campaign. Read more
The RNIB received over 200,000 calls this year to its Helpline and Advice Line.
Benefit rules, technology, and eye health were the top reasons for phoning the service.
Optometry Scotland members can save a third on the cost of their two-day pass for Eyecare 2022, which takes place on 16-17 January 2022 in Glasgow.
Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw has backed the call for volunteers, including optometrists, to support the local Vision Care for Homeless People clinic planning to re-open in January.
Vision Care for Homeless People has launched its 2021 Christmas 'When I needed a neighbour' appeal to help fund its clinics in 2022. To donate

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