11 February 2022
FODO member update - 11 February
This week:
- Reminder - GOC renewal
- NHS England publishes new policies on Optometrist Performer Listing in England
- Optometry First - Call to Action
- NHS England
- NHS England publishes Elective Recovery Plan
- Scottish government launches consultation on future pandemic PPE supplies
- NES Optometry: Initial education and training focus groups
- Concerns about National Care Service Scotland
- Integration white paper - England
- HMRC consultation on future of customs
- Other sector news
Reminder - GOC renewal
This is a reminder that all optometrists and dispensing opticians must complete their GOC renewal by 15 March. Log in to your MyGOC account to renew.
NHS England publishes new policies on Optometrist Performer Listing in England
NHS England has published updated policies on applications and managing applications to join a Performers List in England and a new framework for managing concerns about performers, which come into effect today.
Although based on the same regulations, the new policies are more detailed than previous versions. They introduce new concepts such as probationary flagging and Educational/Clinical Support Plans (ECSPs), where NHS England judges this to be necessary for new joiners to the Performers List.
It appears that NHS England has developed the new policies through engagement workshops, but they have not been formally consulted on with the sector.
The optical bodies are analysing the new documents and will work together on next steps, including meeting with NHS England to work through the implications for both performers and contractors.
We will keep members updated as talks progress.
Optometry First - Call to Action
This week, the national optical bodies, including FODO, published a joint call to action, supporting a new Optometry First model in England commissioned at ICS level alongside the national GOS service, using the same workforce and facilities. The model aims to make the most of primary eye care's clinical expertise and infrastructure, offering first contact care through to resolution and continuity of care for people with a long-term condition closer to home. Read the complete statement.
NHS England
NHS England's latest annual report notes that over 4,000 optical practices remained open during 2020/21 to provide ongoing care to patients throughout the pandemic. It also recognises the development and delivery of CUES, which meant optical practices acted "as urgent eye care hubs to provide triage and remote consultations". Consolidated group accounts show £590m was spent on GOS in 2020/21.
NHS England publishes Elective Recovery Plan
NHS England has published how it plans to increase capacity to tackle the elective care backlog in hospitals. This includes an ambition to deliver "around 30% more elective activity by 2024/25 than before the pandemic". Eye care remains a priority as one of the largest outpatient specialities.
The plan envisages increasing activity through surgical hubs, making procedures more convenient through community diagnostic centres and reforming the delivery of outpatient appointments. It refers to cataract surgery as a "simple but important" procedure which makes up a "large part of the waiting list for surgical treatment". The plan describes how Moorfields has used surgical hubs to reduce the time cataract patients spend in hospital to around 90 minutes.
Read the plan.
Scottish government launches consultation on future pandemic PPE supplies
The Scottish government is seeking views on what can be learnt from the Covid-19 pandemic and?the proposed new strategic arrangements for PPE supply in Scotland, including how independent sector providers can be supported in the event of a future pandemic. The government is also keen to hear from optometry. FODO Scotland will work with colleagues at Optometry Scotland to analyse and respond to this consultation on behalf of the sector. The consultation is open until 22 March 2022.
NES Optometry: Initial education and training focus groups
NES is seeking individuals from across the profession to attend a focus group session to understand better the impact of the GOC's ESR on the initial education and training of optometrists in Scotland, specifically relating to clinical experience provision. Each focus group session will last about 90 minutes and take place on Zoom. Proposed dates for the focus groups are:
- 7 March, 7pm-8.30pm - Pre-registration supervisors
- 9 March, 7pm-8.30pm - Business owners/employers
- 21 March, 7pm-8.30pm - Academics/Educators
- 24 March, 7pm-8.30pm - General optometric profession (inc. primary and secondary care delivery)
- 29 March, 7pm-8.30pm - Pre-registration assessors and examiners
- 30 March, 7pm-8.30pm - Current pre-registration trainees/Newly qualified optometrists (<2 years)
If you are interested in attending a session, please complete this questionnaire by 5pm on 24 February.
Concerns about National Care Service Scotland
This week, senior leaders were cited as calling for a rethink of plans for a new National Care Service in Scotland. The report notes that NHS leaders are concerned that current plans "amount to a 'dismantling of the NHS as it currently exists". One of the main concerns is the proposal for the new National Care Service to hold contracts for community health services, including GPs, optometry, pharmacy and dentistry.
As we reported last week, Optometry Scotland has called for existing commissioners structures for primary care to remain as they are.
Integration white paper - England
The government has published a new integration white paper with the goal of bringing "NHS and local government closer together to improve care for all and value for money". The government said this would "ensure people receive the right care for them in the right place at the right time".
The plan includes aiming to improve transparency and choice for service users, providing more personalised care and investing more effort in early intervention.
Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said the integration paper was part of the government's overall plan to "reform and recover the health and social care system, ensuring everyone gets the treatment and care they need, when and where they need it".
The FODO policy team is reviewing the white paper, along with other proposals to change procurement and pricing rules in England. If you want to get more involved with our policy work, email [email protected].
HMRC consultation on future of customs
The government is reviewing its new customs policy, including the Simplified Customs Declarations Process (SCDP). HMRC has published a call for evidence and invites businesses to feedback on the customs system. The consultation closes on 2 May. Learn more and take part.
Other sector news
OSA held an MDR forum for members on 1 February. The OSA, on behalf of the wider optical sector, has also raised concerns with the MHRA that its registration process for those who glaze or assemble spectacles is no longer clear and that additional guidance is needed.
The RNIB has launched a campaign against the new Elections Bill, which the charity says will make the right to a secret vote even more difficult for blind and partially sighted people. Read more and get involved.
TV presenter and journalist Stacey Dooley highlights the importance of cornea donation in a BBC podcast.

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