25 March 2022
FODO member update - 25 March
This week:
- Chancellor's 2022 Spring Statement - what does it mean for FODO members?
- Inflation could exceed 8%
- GOC launches 2022 Registrant Workforce and Perceptions Survey
- NES workforce and education training survey
- Access and funding lateral flow tests
- Optometry Scotland publishes latest ‘in Focus' newsletter
- LOCSU Chair and Chief Executive announce departure
- Other sector news
Chancellor's 2022 Spring Statement - what does it mean for FODO members?
This week Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered the 2022 Spring Statement, against a backdrop of high inflation and economic uncertainty because of the impacts of Covid and the war in Ukraine.
For members the key points to note are:
- The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has said "there is unusually high uncertainty around the outlook", but that unemployment is still forecast to be lower. Inflation, however, is expected to average 7.4% this year
- Business rates discount of 50% (up to £110,000) will take effect from April for retail businesses. Opticians are listed as retail under Part 2(i) here
- From April, the Employment Allowance will increase by £1,000 to £5,000
- The health and care levy stays, so National Insurance (NI) contributions will increase for employers and employees as planned.
- The NI threshold for individuals will increase by £3,000 to the level of the tax threshold of £12,570. That means people earning up to £12,570 will not pay tax or NI
- Fuel duty has been cut by 5 pence per litre
- If you have patients or other colleagues struggling with energy bills, local authorities will have additional funding for the Household Support Fund to help those struggling the most. Find your local council
In the detail, the government has also announced it will double the NHS efficiency target from 1.1% to 2.2% a year. It said this would "free up £4.75 billion to fund NHS priority areas over the next three years" and ensure that "the extra funding raised by the Health and Social Care Levy is well spent".
The Health Service Journal (HSJ) has also reported that NHS England (NHSE) has been told to cut "core funding" by £500m in 2022/23. NHSE Chief Financial Officer Julian Kelly says this would most likely involve "slowing down" some transformation programmes and ambitions from the NHS long-term plan. The HSJ also cites the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) saying that "the NHS England budget would now grow by 3.6% in real terms over the next three years, down from 4.1% under previous forecasts".
Inflation could exceed 8%
Last year the Bank of England (BoE) had predicted inflation would peak at 5% next month (April) before returning to just above 2% by 2024. It has now said inflation could exceed 8% later this year. BoE raised interest rates from 0.5% to 0.75% and hopes inflation will "fall considerably over the next couple of years".
GOC launches 2022 Registrant Workforce and Perceptions Survey
The GOC has launched annual its Registrant Workforce and Perceptions Survey. This will build on last year's survey which asked registrants about job satisfaction. The survey will also help provide workforce data to help the sector meet future eye care needs. The survey takes just eight minutes and you will be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 online gift card. Lean more and take part.
NES workforce and education training survey
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) has commissioned a survey on education and training. It will take less than 10 minutes to complete and help inform NES about the future of education and training in Scotland. Take part by 31 March. Learn more here.?
Access and funding lateral flow tests
Members have been in touch asking about the supply of lateral flow tests given that current IPC guidance for healthcare settings advises testing. Our understanding is that the UK Health Security Agency now has strong supply chain arrangements in place but, with sector partners, we are working to clarify future supply arrangements and whether these will be centrally funded. We will update members as soon as possible. Please note this uncertainty is affecting all primary care contactor professions, with the BMA raising similar concerns this week.
Optometry Scotland publishes latest 'in Focus' newsletter
The Optometry Scotland (OS) spring 2002 update recaps on the 3% increase in GOS fees for April 2021 to March 2022, and reports on progress on the ESR, opportunities within OS and more. Read OS in Focus.
LOCSU Chair and Chief Executive announce departure
Mike Fegan, the Chair of LOCSU, and Richard Whittington, its Chief Executive, have announced their plans to leave the organisation.
Mike, who was appointed for a three-year term in 2018, will be retiring this year. He said it had "been a great privilege to Chair the Board of LOCSU on behalf of LOCs and the optical bodies. Now that pressure from the pandemic is abating, it is appropriate to pass the Chairmanship on, and for me to retire."
Richard announced he will be leaving LOCSU to join NHS England as the Head of Speciality Pathways Redesign. He said: "I have really enjoyed my time at LOCSU and working with LOCs across the country". He wanted "to thank everybody who I have worked with, and been supported by, over the last five years and wish the LOCs and LOCSU well for what I am confident will be a bright future".
LOCSU confirmed that the recruitment process for a new LOCSU Chair is already underway and that the recruitment for the next CEO would be announced soon.
Other sector news
LOCSU has confirmed that the NOC will be returning as a face-to-face event at The Queens Hotel Leeds on 10-12 October. LOCSU will publish more details soon.
LOCSU has published a new case study on 'Referral Feedback within CUES in Manchester'. It has also published this case study on commissioning interest in Glaucoma Enhanced Case Finding.
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has published its revised guidance on the treatment of Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Learn more.
The Professional Standards Authority's (PSA) annual performance review for 2020/21 has shown the GOC met 17 of 18 Standards for Good Regulation. Read the PSA review.
The PSA has also responded to the government consultation on criteria for regulating professions, agreeing with the risk-based approach to regulation of healthcare professions.
World Optometry Day 2022 (23 March) looked at eye care in the UK.

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