13 May 2022
FODO member update - 13 May
This week:
- Job opportunity - LOCSU CEO
- FODO unveils annual report at AGM
- Changes at ABDO
- Online minimising sight loss event
- Colleges publish glaucoma care pathways
- Sight loss due to cancelled appointments
- Healthcare policy update
- Website maintenance
- Other sector news
Job opportunity - LOCSU CEO
LOCSU is looking for a new CEO. This is a full-time role with a circa £95,000 a year salary. The deadline for applications is 20 May. Learn more and apply.
FODO unveils annual report at AGM
FODO held its AGM on 10 May virtually, bringing together directors and members from FODO, FODO Ireland and the NCHA. The annual report 2021 was presented to the Board and approved.
Changes at ABDO
Daryl Newsome is now the new ABDO president after a presidential handover ceremony in London last week. Daryl takes over from outgoing president Jo Holmes. Kevin Gutsell is the new vice president. ABDO also announced that Alistair Bridge will take over from Tony Garrett as chief executive on 1 January 2023. Alistair Bridge is currently head of strategy at ABDO and joined ABDO from the GOC, where he was director of strategy.
Online minimising sight loss event
An interactive online event called 'Minimising sight loss: overcoming the obstacles' takes place on 1 July 2022.
NHS England's National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme (NECRTP) is holding the event. The event aims to answer what needs to be done to unblock the implementation of eye-care solutions and address the growing number of patients at risk of avoidable sight loss.
RCOphth said the event was "a clear opportunity to make enormous improvements in eye outpatients' services and protect our population's sight".
Register for the event.
Colleges publish glaucoma care pathways
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and College of Optometrists have published
Designing Glaucoma Care Pathways using GLAUC-STRAT-FAST. The Colleges say that this new publication responds to the NICE guideline on glaucoma diagnosis and management.
In a press release, the Royal College said: "Multiple models of care have evolved across the NHS and it is crucial that the whole multidisciplinary ophthalmic team in primary and secondary care safely contribute to glaucoma care, to increase capacity and reduce the backlogs which put patients at risk of permanent and avoidable sight loss and improve the patient experience."
Read more.
Sight loss due to cancelled appointments
The BBC reports on Janet Harris, who has said she lost her sight in her right eye due to her regular hospital eye clinic appointments being cancelled during the pandemic.
Mrs Harris said she had three appointments to check her eye pressure in 2019, but then her next appointment was not until December 2021, after she raised concerns about a major change in her vision.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board said it had to take measures during the pandemic to meet needs safely, including offering virtual appointments and working with primary care to provide essential services.
The Health Board has advised people to seek help from optometrists in primary care if they notice a deterioration in their eye condition, even if they are on a hospital waiting list. It said: "Your primary care team are available within the community and can provide advice, guidance and support on a range of health conditions, including optometrists who would be your primary choice for any deterioration in eye health."
Read the full BBC article.
Healthcare policy update
It is estimated that the UK spent £277 billion on healthcare in 2021, an increase in nominal terms of 7.4% on spending in 2020. Health spending is now estimated to be 12% of GDP. Access the ONS dataset.
In England, the NHS has now also published a map showing areas covered by the 42 ICBs. As per our 29 April update, these 42 ICBs will be responsible for commissioning extended eye care services under the new Provider Selection Regime. GOS will remain a national demand-led service under a nationally agreed GOS contract and nationally negotiated fees and grants, with no local variation.
Website maintenance
Please note that the FODO website might be offline for a few minutes between 8am and 9am tomorrow, 14 May, while servers are updated.
Other sector news
The BCLA has announced its programme for its hybrid conference. The conference will look at the past, present and future of contact lenses, allowing eye care professionals to hear from global experts.
The GOC has published its 2022-23 business plan.
The College of Optometrists is offering eye health tips for the public as high pollen levels are expected to sweep the UK. It includes a hay fever infographic and other social media assets for members.

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