02 September 2022
Opportunity: GOC recruiting for a new DO member and a new lay member to help shape the future regulation of the sector
The GOC is actively recruiting for new Council members to replace two who have reached the end of their maximum appointment periods. It wants to recruit a new DO member and a lay member with expertise in audit, risk and finance.
The successful candidates will contribute to the GOC by exercising oversight of the organisation, ensuring effective corporate governance and participating in high-level policy decisions.
FODO members are highly likely to have the skills, experience and talents to fulfil these roles well and to contribute positively to the protection of patients and the advancement of primary eye care in the UK.
Council members are remunerated in accordance with the GOC's member fees policy: currently £13,962 per annum plus reasonable travel and subsistence expenses.
Members are expected to commit approximately two to three days per month including reading and preparation. Meetings usually take place via MS Teams but may occasionally be held at the GOC Offices at 10 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7NG or other suitable venues.
For more details about the roles, please visit the recruitment page on the GOC website.
The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 2 October 2022. Online interviews will be held on Monday 7 and Thursday 10 November.
We would like to encourage FODO members or their experienced staff to apply.
More information is available by emailing [email protected].
Alternatively please contact Harjit, Alan or David in confidence.

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