02 December 2022
FODO member update - 2 December
This week:
- OFNC - primary eye care struggling
- IT committee update on NHS mail
- CPD - get six points before 2022 ends
- ABDO general secretary interview
- Chair of APPG calls for eye health strategy
- Primary eye care teams in England - free access to wellbeing app
- Other sector news
OFNC - primary eye care struggling
The OFNC has issued a statement about primary eye care struggling through underfunding of NHS sight tests and inflation. Read the full statement.
IT committee update on NHS mail
The sector IT committee has reminded all holders of NHS mail accounts in England about essential changes and actions they need to take to keep their accounts. Read reminder.
CPD - get six points before 2022 ends
The GOC reminds registrants to get at least six CPD points before the end of 2022. FODO members needing support to access this CPD should email [email protected].
ABDO general secretary interview
Sir Anthony Garrett CBE HonFBDO will retire this month after 23 years as ABDO general secretary. Read his interview about his proudest achievements and hopes for the future of the Association and profession.
FODO chair Sarah Joyce said: "Tony has had a long and distinguished career as general secretary of ABDO and accomplished some significant achievements for dispensing and contact lens opticians in the UK. As Tony hands over to Alistair, everyone at FODO wishes him and Jane all the best for his ongoing role at the ABDO College and for the future." She added: "We also look forward to working with Alistair who we know, like Tony, is committed to joint-working for the benefit of the whole sector."
Alistair Bridge, ABDO head of strategy, will become ABDO CEO on 1 January 2023.
Chair of APPG calls for eye health strategy
Marsha de Cordova MP, chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eye Health and Vision Impairment at Westminster, has put forward a 10-Minute Rule motion. It introduces a bill that would establish a national eye health strategy covering the development of an eye health and sight loss pathway, better integration of eye care across the primary and secondary care sectors, expansion of the workforce, better health intelligence and data, and improved public health messaging. Eleven other MPs supported the motion.
10-Minute Rules motions enable backbench MPs to raise issues of concern that may become law if picked up and supported by most MPs or backed by government. A second reading for the bill occurs on 3 March 2023 but is unlikely to become law.
Read Marsha de Cordova's statement.
Primary eye care teams in England - free access to wellbeing app
The Practitioner Health Mental Wellbeing App is available to any primary care team member. You can register for the app using the access code PC2022 and receive joining details. The app is a personalised mental wellbeing tool, creating a wellbeing plan based on individual scores and customised content based on your identified needs and directing you to tools, resources and routes to support.
Other sector news
You can now read LOCSU's annual review 2022.
Optician reports on FODO's response to eye care reforms in Wales. You can read the complete FODO statement here.
Vision Aid Overseas rebrands as Vision Action, Optician reports.
The RNIB and Coca-Cola Great Britain are working together to make its packaging more accessible for people with sight loss for the first time this Christmas. Read more.
The RNIB is also leading a campaign calling on business, education and policy leaders to improve access to employment for people with sight loss. Learn more.
Fight for Sight reports on new research to reduce the risk of diabetes-related sight loss.
Jo Holmes FBDO will join Eye Health UK as trustee and director of the charity. Jo's appointment was confirmed at Eye Health UK's board meeting on 16 November 2022.

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