04 October 2024
Important GOC updates
New Standards of Practice
New Standards of Practice for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, Standards for Optical Students, and Standards for Optical Businesses, will come into effect on 1 January 2025. While most standards are unchanged, key changes focus on:
- Delivering better care for patients in vulnerable circumstances
- Requiring registrants to identify themselves and their role and advise patients who will provide their care
- Maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, including prohibiting conduct of a sexual nature with patients
- Promoting better workplace cultures by explicitly referencing inclusive behaviour between colleagues and ensuring employers support staff who have experienced discrimination, bullying or harassment in the workplace
- Keeping updated on developments in digital technologies and applying professional judgement when utilising the data they generate to inform decision-making
- Maintaining confidentiality when sharing patient images online
- Demonstrating leadership in practice, for example by supporting the education and training of others.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
GOC to consultant on changes to business regulation
The GOC has completed its review of business regulation and will now consult on reforms to make the system a more level playing field. It will consult on:
- Extending regulation to all entities providing restricted functions, unless exempted, including university eye clinics and charities
- Removing the requirement for some categories of body corporates to have a majority of registrant directors
- A model of assurance that includes requiring registrants to nominate a head of optical practice with overall responsibility for the conduct of the business, in accordance with the GOC's regulatory arrangements
- Removing the maximum fine available for breaches and introducing a power to visit a business, should it be required as part of the fitness to carry on business process; and
- Making participation in the consumer redress scheme mandatory and seeking views on whether the scheme should operate on a mediation or adjudication model.
The consultation is expected to launch on 31 October and run for 13 weeks. FODO will review this on behalf of all members. If you would like to take part in FODO's response, or would like FODO to consider a specific item in the consultation, please email [email protected].
Speaking up
UK health and social care regulators have published their annual report on whistleblowing disclosures. The GOC reports 29 whistleblowing disclosures being placed into its fitness to practise triage system for formal assessment.
It has noted difficulties with some complainants withdrawing or not providing consent for fear of reprisal. In response, the GOC is promoting its 'Speaking up' guidance to help registrants.
This month also marks Speak Up Month, which is being promoted by NHS England to all primary care providers and professionals.

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