07 January 2025
FODO responds to Government’s plans for NHS reform
As the association for primary care eye care providers, we fully support the government's commitments to reform secondary care and give NHS patients more choice and control. We also fully back the government's plan to use every available resource to get patients the care they need.
Harjit Sandhu, FODO chief executive said: "Along with ABDO and the College of Optometrists we have already backed the government's goals for the NHS - to shift from hospital to community, analogue to digital and sickness to prevention.
"The government's latest commitment to transform elective care and give patients more choice and control is welcomed. For too long, hospitals have not been able to meet needs safely and as a result too many patients have suffered preventable sight loss due to delays in care. The solution is to invest more in primary eye care, this will save GP and hospital appointments, and most importantly save sight"
Jenny Lincoln, FODO head of policy, said: "Each case of avoidable sight loss due to delays in NHS hospital care is not only a tragedy, but also imposes a significant cost on individuals and economy.
"Hospitals do not have the infrastructure or staff to meet needs safely, while primary eye care has the largest regulated eye care workforce and access to advanced diagnostic equipment close to where people live. Government and the NHS now need to take the vital next step to shift more eye care out of hospitals and into primary care, if it is to meet growing need in a sustainable and safe way."
Notes for Editors
This press release is FODO's response to two government announcements on 6th January 2025:
1. Power to patients as government sets out plan to cut waiting lists https://www.gov.uk/government/news/power-to-patient-as-government-sets-out-plan-to-cut-waiting-lists
2. Deal between NHS and independent sector to cut NHS waiting lists https://www.gov.uk/government/news/deal-between-nhs-and-independent-sector-to-cut-nhs-waiting-lists
FODO's full response to the government consultation on the 10 Year Health Plan (November 2024) can be accessed here.
About us
FODO is the leading national association for eye care providers working in primary and community care settings. Our members provide more than 80% of all NHS primary eye care services each year. Our members include the full range of large and small employers who are the main workforce and infrastructure investors in NHS primary eye care.
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