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21 March 2025

FODO member update – 21 March

Welcome back to the FODO newsletter. This briefing updates you on all essential developments since our last newsletter on 28 February (
recap on why we are staggering the newsletters).

Delay in GOS fees announcement and early warning of inflation-only increases

The OFNC has published an update on GOS fees 2025/26, setting out challenges and changes at NHS England. Read the complete OFNC statement. Please email [email protected] to ask any questions. 

Healthwatch backs shift from hospital to community

Healthwatch, the NHS patients' champion in England, has published A strain on sight: Waiting for NHS specialist eye care.

The report shows robust public support for using high street opticians to help cut hospital waiting lists. It adds that "optometrists in the community are highly skilled and in every locality in England".

Healthwatch is calling for more enhanced primary eye care services to be commissioned to reduce the stress, anxiety and harm patients suffer while waiting for hospital care. It also calls for condition-specific waiting list datasets for ophthalmology to increase transparency and accountability.

The research involved 2,568 people, with 471 waiting for secondary care. Over half of those currently waiting said the wait had affected their ability to work (54%) and perform daily household tasks (52%). Seven in ten (69%) said it had affected their mental health, and three-quarters (75%) said it affected their ability to continue with hobbies. 

AMD audit raises concerns

The latest age-related macular degeneration (AMD) audit results published by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists call on all NHS-funded services to ensure patients start treatment within 14 days. This treatment window secures the best possible outcomes, but only 40% of eligible AMD patients begin treatment within two weeks.

College president Professor Ben Burton said: "This is not good enough. We have repeatedly warned policymakers that more must be done to ensure support is there for those at most risk of irreversible sight loss." 

World Optometry Week

The World Council of Optometry celebrates World Optometry Week with the theme Eyes to the Future. Read FODO's statement on World Optometry Week

England - Primary care cyber readiness survey

The joint cyber unit within the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England wants to understand the primary eye care sector's cyber security readiness and capabilities. It would be helpful if you could complete this short survey by 6 April 2025. 

Northern Ireland - sight test survey data

A survey in Northern Ireland has shown that GOS funded 73% of sight tests, and 27% were self-funded. Findings also show that patients accessing the sight testing service often have a family history of glaucoma, diabetes and other systemic health conditions. Read more

Scotland - portable slit lamp grants

Domiciliary providers in Scotland can apply for a time-limited £5,000 (max) grant to access a portable slit lamp. Read more

Wales - sector gives evidence to ophthalmology inquiry

Optometry Wales, AOP, and FODO have given evidence to the Health and Social Care Committee's short inquiry into Ophthalmology Services in Wales. Sector bodies told the Committee how primary eye care reforms enabled more patients to be cared for out of hospital and how getting IT connectivity right was key to further reducing pressure on hospitals. You can watch the evidence session here (sector body evidence is at 3hrs 3min to 4hrs).

The College of Optometrists also submitted written evidence to the inquiry. 

GOC updates

The GOC Council held its first meeting this year on 19 March. Primary updates:

  • Finalisation of 2025-26 business plan and budget, including investing in education and training support, undertaking new research, and cost savings of more than £1m over five years due to an office move. Following a benchmarking exercise, the GOC will not increase fees paid to GOC committee and panel members.
  • The Council approved the GOC's EDI plan.
  • Chair Dr Anne Wright thanked outgoing members Josie Forte, Mike Galvin, Clare Minchington, and Roshni Samra for their dedicated service to the GOC.

Read all the Council papers.
Earlier this month, the GOC also met all 18 Standards of Good Regulation

At a glance

Policy news

  • As we advised on 10 January, the government has rejected calls to exempt healthcare providers from an increase in employer NI.
  • Read FODO's full response to the government announcement that it will abolish NHS England. NHS England has now announced the team that will lead the organisation's transition into the DHSC. The appointments are Professor Claire Fuller as co-medical director for primary care (she previously led the NHS stocktake of primary care), and Dr Amanda Doyle, who becomes the national director of primary care and community services. Read more.
  • Wes Streeting has appointed former GP Sir John Oldham to advise the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on plans to shift more care into the community and create a neighbourhood NHS. Read more.
  • Nuffield Trust warns that the latest NHS reforms won't deliver a panacea and reminds policymakers of history's lessons on NHS reforms.




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