Page 12 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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Supporting                                                                          The good news is that we can now treat and prevent sight loss
                                                                                                and its associated costs and impacts in ways that were not
            enhanced primary eye                                                                possible until recent times. The key to better outcomes is early

                                                                                                identification, diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it is now crucial
            care services                                                                       to expand primary eye care services to support every person to
                                                                                                preserve their vision, age well and benefit the economy as whole.

                                                                                                As well as our ageing population, myopia (short-sightedness)
                                                                                                is increasing in younger people , and we need to do more to
            The UK population continues to grow and people are living                           ensure they have access to new evidence-based support now
            longer.  Longer life is something to be proud of, but the risk                      and in the future.
            of many eye conditions – including cataracts, glaucoma and
            macular degeneration – increases with age.

            Risk of sight loss increasing with                                                  The number of children with myopia has
            ageing population                                                                   doubled in 50 years

                              TODAY  2.1 million    2030  2.7 million                               More people are likely to
                               People living
                                                                                                    have myopia in the future
                                                     People living
                               with sight loss
                                                     with sight loss
            Every day, 250 people start to lose their sight in the UK. There
            are more than 600,000 people with age-related macular
            degeneration (AMD), and more than 500,000 are referred for                                                                   The proportion
            cataract surgery each year. 15                                                              Children with                    of 11-16 year old
                                                                                                        myopia has doubled               with myopia in
            Predicted increase due to ageing population                                                 in 50 years                      the UK has more
                                                                                                                                         than doubled over
                                                                                                                                         the last 50 years,
                                                                                                                                         and children are
            44% rise              59% rise            50% increase                                                                       becoming myopic
            in glaucoma cases     in ‘wet AMD’        in cataract operations                                                 Audiology   at a younger age. 18
            (2017-2037)           (2017-2037)         (2017-2037) 16
                                                                                                      GP                                                         Dentist

      12      FODO UK                                                                                            The future of primary eye care – principles and priorities      13
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