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William Stockdale                               “”                                  Andy Britton                                    “”
                Contact lens optician, FODO member and                                              Optometrist in Haverfordwest, Wales and FODO’s
                Optometry Northern Ireland past chair                                               Optometry Wales council member
                Since establishing an independent practice in Northern                              In Wales, we have a long history of building on the solid
                Ireland over 20 years ago, I have played an active role in                          foundation the national sight test service provides.
                primary eye care, including serving as a FODO director and
                chair of Optometry Northern Ireland.                                                Today, primary eye care in Wales provides enhanced
                                                                                                    referral refinement for conditions such as glaucoma and is
                In Northern Ireland, 95% of our population lives within five                        increasingly at the heart of emergency and unscheduled
                miles of a primary eye care practice. We live and work in                           care in local communities. This includes enhanced foreign
                local communities and see the importance of our sight                               body removal and an Independent Prescribing
                testing service. It helps children through education, keeps                         Optometry Service.
                people at work and helps prevent falls in older people; and,
                of course, helps us detect eye health issues which in turn                          This means we see more people close to home and out of
                helps avoid preventable sight loss.                                                 hospital, which benefits patients, the NHS and colleagues
                                                                                                    in busy hospital departments. This is made possible by
                It is an amazing public and population health achievement                           working closely with ophthalmology colleagues and
                that the high standard of care the population can access                            system leads.
                without a wait is universal.
                                                                                                    There is so much more we can do to meet needs locally
                We have built on this with the Northern Ireland Primary                             and in Wales we are now ready to expand access to
                Eyecare Assessment and Referral Service (NI PEARS), which                           more enhanced primary eye care to help tackle sight loss
                deals with urgent eye problems and reduces pressure on                              due to delays in accessing overburdened secondary eye
                GP and hospital colleagues.                                                         care services.
                In recent years we have also added an ocular hypertension                           Read more
                and glaucoma service, which includes enhanced case-
                finding, monitoring and treatment for OHT patients.

                We continue to work collaboratively with system colleagues
                to build on our successes, including interconnectivity and
                developing enhanced services.
                Read more

                                                                                                                             Audiology         Primary Eye Care

                                                                                                      GP                                                         Dentist

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