Page 22 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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Sarah Joyce BEM                                 “”                                  Stephen Clarke                                  “”
                FODO chair, LOCSU director, and                                                     Domiciliary optometrist, FODO and domiciliary eye care
                superintendent optometrist                                                          committee member
                As a superintendent optometrist, I am fortunate to work                             Domiciliary eye care is the most rewarding and challenging
                with hundreds of optometrists and dispensing opticians.                             area of eye care in which I have ever worked.
                Our teams serve a wide range of patients, often from more                           You can do so much good to improve the wellbeing and
                socio-economically disadvantaged regions, so we see                                 enjoyment of life for people who often have multiple needs.
                first-hand how important local, accessible and affordable                           These people who cannot visit their eye care provider are
                primary eye care services are.                                                      also often at greater risk of eye conditions like cataracts,
                                                                                                    glaucoma and macular degeneration.
                We have much to be proud of in England, including
                our national sight test service and improved access                                 With technological innovation, we can take retinal
                to enhanced eye care, including urgent care, cataract                               photographs and perform other advanced diagnostic
                assessments, and referral refinement.                                               tests at home, helping pick up eye diseases that would
                                                                                                    otherwise go undetected. This national service in all four
                Today we are delivering more enhanced primary eye care                              nations is a sight-saver and lifesaver for many, and it is an
                than ever before in England. However, the fragmented                                honour to work in it.
                commissioning system in England means we are trailing
                behind the rest of the UK. This means providing just 1,167                          We struggled to reach some care home patients during the
                NHS enhanced eye care visits per 100,000 people, compared                           pandemic owing to tight lockdowns, which has made us
                to more than 10,000 per 100,000 people in Scotland.                                 more determined to ensure that everyone who now needs
                                                                                                    help gets it. Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable is
                New Integrated Care Boards provide the opportunity to                               a service that must be protected and built upon to tackle
                help change happen by commissioning more universally                                inequalities in access to essential eye care.
                accessible enhanced services based on clinical needs for
                all patients. We stand ready to support change happen                               Read more
                across England.

                Read more

                                                                                                                             Audiology         Primary Eye Care

                                                                                                      GP                                                         Dentist

      22      FODO UK                                                                                            The future of primary eye care – principles and priorities      23
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