Page 37 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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References and endnotes
 What this means

 By delivering this route map, we will improve patient and
 population outcomes across the four nations of the UK by:
            All data rounded to 1,000
            1   Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch, 2020, Lack of timely monitoring of
 Providing more timely access to enhanced eye care   patients with glaucoma
 for patients closer to home.  2   Data source: Deloitte Access Economics, 2019, The economic impact of
               coronavirus (Covid-19) on sight loss and blindness in the UK, Table 3.2 Cost of sight
               loss and blindness in the UK by cost component
 Reducing hospital waiting times by seeing and   3   Total number of sight tests includes NHS and self-funded care.
 managing more patients in primary eye care without      For NHS sight tests/eye examinations performed we used pre-Covid data from
 hospital referral.  official statistics:
               NHS Digital, General Ophthalmic Services Activity Statistics England, year ending
               31 March 2020
 Preventing avoidable sight loss – including through      HSC, BSO, Northern Ireland, annual GOS data 2019-20
 early identification of the need for sight correction or      Public Health Scotland, Ophthalmic payment system: 2006/07 to 2016/17 (OPTIX),
 medical interventions, earlier discharge and better   2017/18 to 2019/20 Ophthalmic Data Warehouse
 follow-up in the community.     Welsh Government, Sensory health (eye care and hearing statistics): April 2019 to
               March 2021
               For self-funded care we obtained data of NHS to self-funded sight test from FODO
 Improving the efficiency and sustainability of the NHS –   members who between them provide >70% of primary eye care. This data shows
               31-35% of people in England and Northern Ireland self-fund their sight test, 0-1%
 minimising costs by avoiding repeat tests and delivering   Scotland and 29% in Wales, the average across the UK was 30%.
 ongoing care management in the community.     Rounded to the nearest 1,000
            4   FODO, Optics at a glance, 1982 to 2014 accessible,
 Reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare.  5   Shah, R. et al (2022). Referrals from community optometrists to the hospital eye
               service in Scotland and England. Eye, 36, pp. 1754-1760. doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-
            6   Fung M, Myers P., Wasala P., Hirji N. A review of 1,000 referrals to Walsall’s hospital
 Improving value for money for the NHS with more eye   eye service. J Public Health (Oxf). 2016 Sep;38(3):599-606. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/
 care delivered for every pound invested.  fdv081. Epub 2015 Jun 14. PMID: 26076700
            7   Devarajan, N., Williams, G., Hopes, M. et al. The Carmarthenshire Glaucoma
               Referral Refinement Scheme, a safe and efficient screening service. Eye 25, 43–49
 To make this a reality, we will work with governments,   8   Bourne, R., French, K., Chang, L. et al. Can a community optometrist-based referral
 commissioners and planners to ensure that primary eye care   refinement scheme reduce false-positive glaucoma hospital referrals without
 is a national priority and that care systems and pathways are   compromising quality of care? The community and hospital allied network
 designed collaboratively with primary eye care providers and   glaucoma evaluation scheme (CHANGES). Eye 24, 881–887 (2010). https://doi.
 their representatives. In addition, we will deliver the cross-cutting
 enablers to support the appropriate integration of care.

 If you want to join FODO, support our goals or learn more   Audiology  Primary Eye Care
 about our health policy work, please email our policy team at   Pharmacy
 [email protected].  GP                                                  Dentist

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