Page 33 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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At nation level, a robust legal framework, which includes General   Our route map
 Ophthalmic Services (GOS) regulations, underpins primary eye care.
 This means patients benefit from accessible sight testing, vision
 correction and case-finding services across all four nations.
            FODO members deliver over 18 million eye
 In England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, enhanced   examinations each year across the UK. When our
 primary eye care and hospital eye care services are organised on a
 nation-by-nation basis but all build on the solid foundation of the   members commit to change, we can make change
 core primary eye care service.  happen. With our members, we will continue to lead
            by example and work with governments and sector
            partners to achieve the following goals.

 This system has proven its worth for patient and public
 protection while enabling safe innovation, technological   Tackle preventable sight loss due to delays in care
 advancement and advancing levels of practice. We must   We will:
 ensure it is protected, supported and evolves in safe and
 proportionate ways to meet the needs of individual patients   •  Work with patient groups and other stakeholders to prevent
 and populations. That is why FODO:  patients from suffering severe or permanent sight loss because of
              delays in care at any point in the pathway.
 •  Strongly supports the   •  Strongly supports informed
 existing regulatory   patient choice and freedom   Protect and advance core primary eye
 framework for primary eye   for patients to vote with their   care services
 care services across the UK.  feet as a critical element in
 patient protection.  We will:
 •  Will continue to advocate for   •  Protect and support patients by advocating to preserve the
 only evidence-based change   Opticians Act and associated regulations and orders unless there is
 and proportionate risk-based   robust evidence for change.
 regulation for all eye care
 services across the UK.  •  Continue to protect nationally negotiated GOS systems,
              including increased fees and grants, as the fairest and most
              cost-effective means of delivering high-standard first-line eye
              care in all four UK nations.
            •  Work with health systems to tackle health inequalities by
              improving access to eye care for homeless people and people
              who depend on domiciliary eye care services.
            •  Support primary eye care providers who wish to continue
              specialising only in providing world-class sight testing and case-
              finding, referring patients for further care where appropriate.
 Primary Eye Care  Audiology

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