Page 34 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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Support new models of enhanced primary                                              Optimise the workforce
            eye care services
                                                                                                We will:
            We will:                                                                            •  Continue to work with the GOC, HEIs and sector partners to safely
            •  Improve patient access by supporting primary eye care providers to                 implement the GOC’s Education and Training Requirements,
              expand the range of services they offer to meet patient needs.                      including supporting our members to provide high-quality,
            •  Call on the NHS to fund and commission enhanced services to                        properly funded training places.
              meet patient needs and to end unwarranted and unjustified                         •  Work with HEIs and primary care providers to secure a sustainable
              variation in access to vital eye care services.                                     and inclusive eye care workforce.
                                                                                                •  Support and promote opportunities for more optometrists and
            Protect patient benefits and increase
            patient education                                                                     DOs to fulfil resident roles in practice to help meet the needs of
                                                                                                  patients with chronic care needs.
            We will:                                                                            •  Explore how to accommodate changing working practices, so
            •  Champion patients’ rights to choose a provider and evidence-                       optometrists and dispensing opticians can meet an increasingly
              based care for themselves and their families.                                       complex and professionally rewarding workload as more patients
            •  Do all we can to protect patient access to affordable eyewear and                  with complex conditions are managed in primary eye care over time.
              NHS support for visual correction for the most vulnerable and most                •  Support optometrists and dispensing opticians to meet growing
              in need.                                                                            patient needs with more support from well-trained ophthalmic
            •  Continue to work with charities and public health teams to ensure                  technicians and optical assistants.
              the public understands the importance of eye examinations and
              looking after their eyes.                                                         Maximise technology and innovation
            •  Continue to embrace equality, diversity and inclusion across the                 We will:
              sector, including for patients, eye care practitioners, ancillary                 •  Embrace and encourage innovation developed by our members
              workers, students and trainees.                                                     and others.
                                                                                                •  Liaise with NHS bodies to provide IT development and support
                                                                                                  to ensure patients and health systems benefit from joined-up,
                                                                                                  seamless systems and technology.
                                                                                                •  Pursue common technical IT standards that maximise benefits
                                                                                                  and connectivity while minimising costs for providers and the NHS.

               Primary Eye Care        Audiology

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