Page 30 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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Eye care regulation                                                                 Satisfaction

                                                                                                  94%                            94%

            Across the UK, the Opticians Act is rightly focused on public                       Patients satisfied with their last   Patients satisfied with
            protection and provides a robust basis for the expansion of                         visit to primary eye care       optometrist providing a sight test
            primary eye care services covering:

            •  Requirements for the education, training registration, CPD,                      Public confidence in primary care
              and professional standards of the core primary eye care
            •  The regulation of sight testing and case-finding and the safe
              provision of medical devices – including spectacles, contact
              lenses and protective eyewear.                                                           93%                    86%                    89%
            Our analysis of the Opticians Act has shown it to be a robust,
            efficient and effective patient protection legislation which has
            stood the test of time, including enabling the safe adoption                                                                          Pharmacists
            of new technologies, care models and changing scope of                                 Optometrist             Dispensing
            practice. This is evidenced by consistently high standards,                                                     opticians
            enthusiasm for learning and CPD, low numbers of patient
            complaints and few fitness to practise sanctions.

                                                                                                                Independent research shows
                                                                                                                that public confidence in
                                                                                                                optometrists and dispensing
                                                                                                                opticians is strong



                                                                                                Source 27                    Audiology

                                                                                                      GP                                                         Dentist

      30      FODO UK                                                                                            The future of primary eye care – principles and priorities      31
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